Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Musings

Sitting today, i was watching the film, sixth sense, by M. Night. Shyamalan and the film did make me wonder whether we are the final and the ultimate example of creation. It set me thinking on a number of topics, all interconnected. It set me thinking on life, birth, death, afterlife, rebirth, religion, the purpose of life, the sagely words of saints, the inevitability of death, the cycle of life namely birth, youth, middle age, old age and death.........and then who knows what after that. These things simply came and kept floating in my mind and left me wondering what is there beyond that we dont know. Do spirits exist? Do things that people say that there are demons, spirits, ghosts.......etc. Are they really there. On one hand, the logical part of you says - no they don't and the other part of you says, yea they do. To speak a fact, while i want to believe and say it out in the open that spirits and ghosts do exist, but i m scared of saying it openly for the fear of being branded as someone who is not rational. So the thoughts of mine remain in my head and i suppose that it is the same for quite a few of them down there.

Thinking again or rather reflecting on the things, one does wonders, what is the rationale behind this creation - i mean to say why is that everything has a fixed life span..........we do know how long on an average a person will live. Why is everything so predictable. Why is life not like nature...........means why doesnt a dog lives long enough as an elephant and why does a dog has a life of a dog in terms of life span. This amazes me, may be science may find an answer to this later on but so far as yet, it is difficult conceptualising what could be behind it. The second thing is we can see, the process of evolution from non living to viruses, from viruses to bacteria, to plants to animals and finally to humans. How can it be possible that evolution stopped here and didnt proceed further. Isn't it possible that just as we are able to recognise forms lower down in hierarchy on the evolutionary scale, so we are not able to recognise other higher life forms......there could be things we dont know about, or we dont know as to how to know them.................that is just a musing.